Our electric customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz Counties can save on the installation of electric vehicle chargers with rebates from UniSource Energy Services.

Residential Chargers

Residential customers can claim rebates of up to $500 on electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Those who purchase a networked Level 2 charger can claim a rebate that covers 75 percent of the initial purchase cost, before tax.

Rebates are issued as a credit on the customer’s UniSource electric account. A maximum of two incentives are allowed per residence for each charger purchased for home use with a highway-approved battery electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.

Learn more about the residential program and how to claim rebates.

Commercial Chargers

Our Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Program allows commercial customers – businesses, government agencies, public transit, nonprofit organizations, and multifamily complexes – to save on installing ports at their facilities.

“This program helps business owners invest in sustainable infrastructure and position themselves as leaders in supporting a cleaner future,” said Gabriella Abou-Zeid, Transportation Electrification Program Manager. “Our program offers technical support to educate customers about the advantages of charging during periods of lower demand, ensuring grid capacity is used efficiently.”

The program provides up to 75 percent off the project cost, depending on the type of charger and location.

Learn more about the commercial program and how to get started.

EV Adoption Support

The new rebates were authorized as part of UniSource’s Transportation Electrification Implementation Plan, a roadmap for driving the adoption of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission in 2022, the three-year plan includes efforts to educate the community about EV technology and its many benefits. The plan also supports efforts to reduce carbon emissions in our communities.

“UniSource is pleased to help customers embrace sustainable transportation options,” said Camila Martins-Bekat, Principal of Beneficial Electrification for UniSource.

In addition to rebates, UniSource offers information about using EVs, including rate plans that support charging, cost comparisons for purchasing EVs, and a map of chargers statewide on a newly developed EV webpage. “Our programs encourage EV charging during off-peak times, optimizing the grid to the benefit of the entire community,” Martins-Bekat said.

This content was last updated on the date shown above. More recent information might be available elsewhere on uesaz.com.