
Wildfire Safety & Prevention

UniSource gas and electric employees work year-round to reduce the risk of devastating wildfires that can threaten public safety, destroy property and cause power outages, reducing the reliability of electric service for customers, and service interruptions, reducing the reliability of gas service for customers

We continually inspect, maintain, repair and upgrade our equipment. We patrol gas facilities and manage transmission line routes to ensure that vegetation does not encroach on electric infrastructure. We also monitor wildfires near our equipment and work closely with state and federal authorities during wildfire events.


UniSource maintains an active encroachment and vegetation management program within its service territory.

Vegetation management crews work full-time throughout the year to trim trees and other vegetation that could create fire risks near lower-voltage distribution equipment. Employees conduct a visual inspection of all lower-voltage distribution facilities every two years to identify equipment in need of maintenance and vegetation in need of trimming.

Most of UniSource’s electric service territory is located in urban areas or unforested desert landscape. Our gas facilities are also in urban forested as well as unforested desert areas.

In the Nogales area, UniSource crews perform targeted visual inspections twice a year of transmission facilities located in forested areas. 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission facilities are patrolled by helicopter twice a year.

In the Kingman and Lake Havasu City areas, UniSource’s 69 kilovolt (kV) lines are also patrolled by helicopter.

Our UNS Gas areas are managed so that our leadership is closely aligned with emergency responders and public officials to react promptly in the event of a wildfire

Preparation and Response

Our UniSource Gas personnel in Coconino, Yavapai, Navajo, Mohave and Santa Cruz counties, employees survey and perform maintenance around aboveground structures to reduce the risk of fires affecting facilities that control pressures.

UniSource maintains strong relationships with state, federal and tribal agencies to facilitate communication about potential hazards and active wildfires.

UniSource employees will respond to incident command sites as needed to coordinate with firefighting agencies when fires burn near company resources.

Additional Protection

UniSource is developing additional risk reduction measures for use beginning in 2025 in communities where we provide electric service. This expanded Wildfire Mitigation Plan will include expanded public outreach, collaboration with emergency response partners, an evaluation of new technologies and other enhancements to protect public safety.

Under the plan, UniSource will consider interrupting electric service in areas that are very vulnerable to wildfires during extreme conditions, including high winds, dry vegetation, low humidity and high temperatures, to ensure that our energized facilities do not spark a wildfire. These public safety power shutoff (PSPS) events would be coordinated with emergency response agencies and would last no longer than necessary to protect public safety.

Our Wildfire Mitigation Plan is currently being finalized, pending feedback from first responders and other stakeholders. We will provide public outreach to let residents know what to expect and how to prepare if their home or business is in an area that could potentially be impacted by a PSPS event.

UniSource Energy Services: 4 Ways We Work to Reduce Wildfire Risks

4 Ways We Work to Reduce Wildfire Risks

UniSource works year-round to reduce the risk of wildfires that can destroy property and lead to power outages.

Here are steps to prepare for a wildfire evacuation:

UniSource works closely with firefighting agencies to protect our resources.

  • Follow local media for fire reports and evacuation notices for your area
  • Take a disaster supply kit and extra clothes
  • Have a meeting place, and up-to-date contact info for family members
  • Post your name and address on your home, clearly visible from the street
  • Hang an EVACUATION sign on your door so rescuers know your home is empty
  • Do not shut off your own gas meter

UniSource will:

  • Shut off your area's natural gas system if necessary
  • Coordinate safety and restoration efforts with officials
  • Work to keep natural gas facilities safe and secure

On the Web

UniSource’s Electric System

  • 56 circuit-miles of 115 kilovolt transmission lines
  • 270 circuit-miles of 69 kilovolt transmission lines
  • 3,600 circuit-miles of underground and overhead distribution lines
  • Approximately 40 substations