Pipeline Safety

Wind PowerKingman Wind

Kingman is home to a new utility scale wind farm that is expected to produce enough energy annually to power more than 2,200 homes.

The facility is actually a 10.5 MW combined wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) system that will supply power to UES customers.

The system was built by Vancouver-based Western Wind Energy on about 800 acres east of the Nucor Steel plant, southwest of Kingman. The integrated wind and solar energy project is
believed to be the first of its kind in North America. “While UES will focus primarily on the development of our most predominant renewable resource in Arizona — solar energy — it is
important to build a diverse generation portfolio,” said Carmine Tilghman, director of Renewable Resources.

During construction, five Gamesa wind turbines — each with three 135-foot long blades — were delivered on flatbed trucks that used a special access road to the site. A crane assembled
at the site then placed each turbine atop a 270-foot tower.

The facility is primarily dependent on the wind stream that exists several hundred feet in the air and is most prevalent at night. Solar panels were installed at a nearby 10-acre site.


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