News headline

Oct 21 2015 12:00:00:000AM
News Media Contact: Joseph Barrios, (520) 884-3725,

UES Bill Credit to Ease Expected Increase in Natural Gas Usage This Winter

Flagstaff, Ariz. — UniSource Energy Services (UES) gas customers will pay lower natural gas rates this winter thanks to a temporary bill credit resulting from lower wholesale
energy prices.

The Purchased Gas Adjustor (PGA) credit of 10 cents per therm will be applied to bills from Nov. 1 through April 30, 2016, helping to reduce bills during a season when residential gas
use typically reaches its peak. UES’ request to add the credit was approved yesterday by the Arizona Corporation Commission.

The credit is expected to reduce average residential customers’ bills by $7.20 per month. However, UES projects that customers will use at least 15 percent more natural gas this winter
than last winter, as last winter was among the warmest on record. Usage can vary depending on location, and customers with higher usage should expect higher bills.

UES offers several ways to help customers manage their winter gas bills. UES’ Budget Billing program allows customers to pay their natural gas bills in equal monthly installments,
eliminating seasonal bill fluctuations. UES’ Customer Assistance Residential Energy Support (CARES) Program offers monthly discounts for limited-income customers who need help in
meeting their energy costs. UES also works with community organizations to provide limited, emergency bill payment assistance for qualifying customers in financial distress.

UES delivers natural gas to approximately 150,000 customers in northern and southern Arizona. It also provides electric service to approximately 93,000 customers. For more information,
visit UES and its parent company, UNS Energy, are subsidiaries of Fortis, Inc., which owns utilities that serve more than 3 million customers across Canada and in the United
States and the Caribbean. To learn more, visit

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