Tucson, Ariz. – UniSource Energy Services gas customers will see a reduction in their monthly bill with the termination of a temporary surcharge designed to recover higher fuel costs.
The Purchased Gas Adjustor (PGA) is a usage-based charge or credit that reflects changes to the costs of natural gas. UniSource passes along these costs without any markup and earns no profit through the PGA, which is periodically reviewed and approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).
Since August 1, 2022, gas customers paid a temporary PGA surcharge of $0.04150 per therm to help recover more than $7.5 million in costs related to higher wholesale natural gas prices. Extreme weather and other factors contributed to record high natural gas prices, which increased by more than 200 percent over the previous two years.
With recovery of those higher costs, UniSource ended the surcharge effective today. The change is expected to lower the average monthly bill of a typical residential customer by about $1.80. The reduction will vary based on individual customer usage.
UniSource provides natural gas service to more than 167,000 customers in northern and southern Arizona. It also provides electric service to more than 101,000 customers in Mohave and Santa Cruz counties. For more information about UniSource, visit uesaz.com. UniSource and its parent company, UNS Energy, are subsidiaries of Fortis, Inc. (TSX/NYSE: FTS), which owns utilities that serve more than 3 million customers across Canada and in the United States and the Caribbean. To learn more, visit fortisinc.com.
News Media Contact:
Joseph Barrios
(520) 884-3725