Gas regulator stations are a critical part of the natural gas system. They regulate and reduce various pipeline system pressures to supply adequate and safe pressures.
Our technicians regularly inspect and maintain these stations to ensure they are safe, reliable and in good mechanical condition. Sometimes, after years of service, components in these stations can become worn and must be replaced or modernized.
In June, the regulator station that serves the Mountain View Ranchos area northeast of Flagstaff will be replaced. The project will increase safety and reliability, reduce the need for ongoing maintenance, and support additional growth in the area, which is at the northernmost edge of our system.
In conjunction with the replacement project, which will take place over four days, our team will begin working on a six-mile mainline extension to support a new subdivision.
“Not only is this modernization project strengthening the safety, integrity and reliability of the system, but we’re also supporting expansion and economic growth,” said District Manager Jason Garrett.
Garrett explained that this type of replacement project is typically scheduled for summer, when gas usage is lower, to limit service interruptions.
The effort is among other summer projects that will support reliability across the city while accommodating road work and flood control projects. We’re also upgrading the system that powers the Lowell Observatory to support expansion plans over time.
“Cost-effective investments in our existing infrastructure support reliability across the energy system,” Garrett said. “It’s one way we partner with our local communities in supporting Arizona’s future.”